Monday, April 7, 2008

I just had to put this picture on here even though it's from 2 Easters ago because it's so darn cute! I didn't get a picture of Brynn this Easter because we were late for church and she had a nosebleed in nursery so she bled all over her new white Easter dress. Sigh... But this one makes up for it!


Jason said...

G'Day Hartley clan! A quick peek over the blog and it's decided, guys look like a ton 'o fun! First impressions are: your two older boys look like the kind of trouble me and my brothers were, so watch out. Your third looks like the kind of son every mother would want. And 'lil Brynn (sp?) looks like heaven itself. Was I close?
You've got a really cool looking group here. Hope all's well. Later.

Hassingers said...

Very cute pic. That is a bummer about the nosebleed. I took a picture of my kids a week late.

Allie said...

I didn't even get to see her dress. Have her wear it on Sunday. Or she could wear that new cute pink and white one someone gave you.