Monday, June 30, 2008

Bryce Canyon

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bennett turned 5!!!

So, I took a trip to Arizona for some more training on Let's Play Music and when I left, Bennett was 4 and when I came home... he was 5! sniff sniff. This is the first birthday I've ever missed in my family. I was very sad. He didn't seem to care much, but I was sad! But we had a cake for him the night before I left and he actually had about 3 parties instead of one so he loved it! Not to mention the fact that he spent his birthday at Grandma's house! He asked for a snake cake and he decorated it himself so voila! We had fun! The other day he asked me if I knew his whole name. When I said, "Bennett Victor Hartley" he said, "No! It's Batboy Victor Hartley!" At least he kept the Victor,eh? Tee hee. I guess now that he's 5 he can change his name!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Brynn is 3!!

Happy Birthday Brynn!! Our sweet little Brynn is three years old today! That makes her a really big baby since she's still my baby! Sheesh. She woke up to a princess cup and barbie cereal, opened up her Disney princess figurines and was in heaven in church because of them, came home and played and then had family over and cake and more presents and ice cream and candy and then she fell asleep on mama's lap. I love that little Brynn. Happy Birthday Brynn-a-lynn-a-loo!

Jared and Da Boys...

We walked up to Bridal Veil Falls with the Hartmans and took this great picture just before we left. Can you tell which boys are the Hartleys? Which of these boys is not like the other... tee hee.