Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bennett turned 5!!!

So, I took a trip to Arizona for some more training on Let's Play Music and when I left, Bennett was 4 and when I came home... he was 5! sniff sniff. This is the first birthday I've ever missed in my family. I was very sad. He didn't seem to care much, but I was sad! But we had a cake for him the night before I left and he actually had about 3 parties instead of one so he loved it! Not to mention the fact that he spent his birthday at Grandma's house! He asked for a snake cake and he decorated it himself so voila! We had fun! The other day he asked me if I knew his whole name. When I said, "Bennett Victor Hartley" he said, "No! It's Batboy Victor Hartley!" At least he kept the Victor,eh? Tee hee. I guess now that he's 5 he can change his name!


Allie said...

Very fun, I didn't even ask you how it went? Maybe you'll blog about your trip...